Definition of Egg cup

1. Noun. Dishware consisting of a small cup for serving a boiled egg.

Exact synonyms: Eggcup
Generic synonyms: Crockery, Dishware

Definition of Egg cup

1. Noun. (alternative spelling of eggcup) ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Egg Cup

egg-white injury
egg-white syndrome
egg albumin
egg and spoon race
egg and spoon races
egg bank
egg bread
egg case
egg cluster
egg cream
egg cup
egg cups
egg donation
egg donations
egg drop
egg drop soup
egg drop syndrome
egg en cocotte
egg foo yong
egg fu yung
egg hunt
egg in one's beer
egg laying
egg matza
egg matzah

Literary usage of Egg cup

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Pamphleteer by Abraham John Valpy (1823)
"•which is then fastened to the breakfast-table, and allows the egg- cup to be inclined in any direction ; the upper part of the egg-cup takes off, ..."

2. Seed Thoughts for Public Speakers by Arthur Tappan Pierson (1900)
"You leave your little silver spoon an hour in your egg- cup, and it is coated with a compound of sulphur. Why is that sulphur there ? ..."

3. The Sunday at Home: A Family Magazine for Sabbath Reading by Religious Tract Society (Great Britain) (1880)
"The new egg-cup had split into two bits, and the yellow • :: had rolled ... Harry looked through his tears at his mother, and then stared it the egg-cup. ..."

4. The Medical and Surgical Reporter (1895)
"In preparing an egg for a patient it is best to use an egg cup, ... In boiling an egg for an invalid it should be put into an egg-cup so as to see the ..."

5. The Wood Turner's Handybook: A Practical Manual for Workers at the Lathe by Paul Nooncree Hasluck (1901)
"The accompanying illustrations show an egg-cup in process of conversion from the ... Illustrations are also given of an egg-cup stand, and the whole may be ..."

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